Cubic Zirconia System

Cubic Zirconia System

Strong and Beautiful

Cubic zirconia is a unique material and a revolution in the translucency and strength of Zirconia. This material has the exact appearance of tooth and can be manufactured monolithically as well as being suitable for porcelain layering in the anterior region and in very limited spaces.

This is a third-generation zirconium oxide. A hybrid, cubic/tetragonal crystal structure and with its perfect fit for monolithic restorations, it ensures an extra high level of translucency. The result is a bio-compatible high-performance ceramic with high stability and fracture toughness compared to glass ceramics therefore a unique position among the all-ceramic systems.

Best suited to single crowns, bridges (3-4 units), and Implant cases. Monolithic or layered and has a flexural strength of 800mpa in regular and 1000mpa in high strength.